For seven years, Sydney Bristow believed she was working for a covert branch of the CIA, named SD-6. However, when she tells her fiance of her job, Arvin Sloane, head of SD-6 and an old family friend, has him murdered. With this life-shattering event, Sydney learns not only that SD-6 is a mercenary group of terrorists, but that her father, too, works for SD-6. Sydney then works with the CIA as a double agent, trying to bring down SD-6 with her father, a second double. This is only the beginning of a path of betrayal, murder, lies, and disbelief. Sydney Bristow pushes through trials of love, learns the truth about her mother, loses a friend in an utter form of incredulity, pitfalls herself into months of torture and puzzlement, and is tormented with countless revelations to come. Sydney Bristow is an international spy recruited out of college, trained for espionage and self-defense. Practically every episode is an edge-of-your-seat cliffhanger. Yes, in some ways it's a lot like La Femme Nikita, and that's a compliment. Both are great shows. Alias starts off fantastic for the first couple of seasons. It became a little weird for me on and off in later seasons, but still was great, and I watched every episode. I was hooked from beginning to end! What's not to like? - Love, action, suspense, great character development, and the twists! The twists are my favorite part. And it's not all about mystery and death - the love story is good too. I wish it didn't have to end as early as it did, but if it ended in part due to commitment to family and child, then I wouldn't have it any other way. If they could ever bring it back though, I will be watching! I loved the first 2 seasons of this show. I really did. they ended season two with a mother of a cliffie, which they promptly turned to utter crap in season three. what an anticlimax. it just went downhill from there. by the end of the show we have frigging zombies running around biting and killing people and Arvin Sloane becoming immortal. i think that Sydney finally snapping in the middle of a business meeting and shooting Sloane in the face mid sentence would have been a better way to end the show. instead they kill off her whole family, trap the zombie Sloane thing in a cave and Syd lived happily ever after.i think this is a good example of what can happen when the creator gets bored. should have stayed a spy drama and left the sci-fi out. i should have stopped watching after season two… bye bye Alias (the 5 stars are for starting out well.)
Leerey replied
335 weeks ago